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Notes on ADEK inclusion policy 2023

Notes and thoughts:

Documented Learning Plans cover the range of IEPs, ISPs, ILPs, BSPs (Behaviour Support Plans), Advanced Learning plans (ALPs).

Pull out and pull in intervention is a new term – for either removing the student to work with an expert, or placing an expert in the classroom to allow work with peers to continue.

The tiered model is obviously a cornerstone of the approach, with tier 1 being adaptive teaching, tier 2 being targeted support and tier3 being intensive and individualized.

New concepts – ‘universal design’ and ‘universal design for learning’ = An approach to teaching and learning which promotes equitable access to education to all students regardless of their differing needs.

This appears to be as good a definition of inclusion as I’ve seen, but it is a new term under which to investigate classroom practice.


Inclusion policy appears to cover almost everything, from providing help during application processes to site safety to assessments to in classroom pedagogy – it is an all round department that works across all departments, from marketing to marking.

Specifics of ADEK policy:

· Schools can refuse entry to those with SEND by completing a ‘inability to accommodate notification’ 7 days after a decision has been made and sending it to the parents and ADEK. Here justification must be made as to why. ADEK can overturn your decision.

· Referrals to more specialist schools must go through ADEK first – before discussions with parents take place. ADEK will confirm their eligibility before talks with parents can begin.

· All schools need to have:

o 1) Head of Inclusion – 90% timetable to this role.

o 1 teacher of inclusion per ‘cycle’ = 90% timetable to this role.

o Inclusions Assistant = school-funded assistants working with teachers (whole class/targeted pull outs/pull ins – or 1:1)

o Individual Assistant = parent funded one to one worker.

· Physical safety is centered on ‘universal design’, all schools need evacuation chairs “All teaching staff receive training in the safe operation of evacuation chairs and that specific members of staff have been identified to assist students and staff requiring evacuation chairs during emergencies.”

· Personalised Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are provided to all students and staff that will need help evacuating in an emergency, and all staff involved in executing the plan are trained.

· A large chunk of procedural reviews and communications need to occur for each student. This should be easily managed with a robust operations management system – and should be independent from HoI input/presence.

· A lot this seems to be extremely procedural – checking whether the documents exist. So far little hint as to how thoroughly ‘real’ they need to be. The only check on this I would image is parental complaints.

· Seems like a HoI needs an admin assistant for logging data on esis, checking timelines and expirations of specific deadlines etc. Otherwise they role will be entirely documentation creation.

· Each school must nominate one ‘board member’ to oversee inclusion policy. I wonder who that is? Or even what the board is?

· Inclusive provision must be a standing issue on the agenda of all SLT and board meetings.

· Schools must have a HoI but also a separate person in charge of G&T and EAL.


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