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Build Back Better: Britain after coronavirus : Policy ideas for Liberal Democrats

In June of this year a group of Liberal Democrats led by Layla Moran MP published a leaflet with the above title. It is a set of policy explorations for Britain post-coronavirus. The impact the virus has had on society has been catastrophic, but it has also opened up new opportunities which really need to be seized firmly if we, as a species, are to adapt to the new dangers and avail ourselves of the advantages, that new technologies provide. The leaflet explores new ideas in economics, equality, environment, social care, education, digital technologies, communities, international relations and the conduct of politics itself.

While this blog is dedicated to comments and analysis in the pursuit of educational aims – during the summer of 2020 the author (me!) has decided to take a break from his day job and consider these new policy ideas. The author has done this previously with manifestos and green papers from various different parties and governments, therefore studying the Liberal Democrats policies today does not necessarily mean that Cardinal’s Corner or Wolsey Academy in any way endorses or is aligned with the Liberal Democrats. That said, the author considers himself a political centrist so it is natural that ideas proposed by the party in British politics that best fits that description be worthy of study.

As Moran says in the introduction: “we Liberal Democrats are the party of ideas or we are nothing”.


I hope to read and summarise each set of policy ideas and provide any brief comments of my own where I see necessary. As is the case for most blogs, the readership for this series of posts is intended really to be only myself – but if you have stumbled across them then I hope they prove interesting.

Hope it helps.

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