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English Writing Skills – KS3/EAL - Gothic SOW

20 lessons with a revision guide and an online end-of-unit test.

SOW was made initially for secondary school students in the UK. However, this SOW especially has had huge success in boosting grades in international schools because of its accommodation of various learning styles, engaging content, deep levels of differentiation, and development of core skills.
Lessons are as follows:

  • Gothic Stories – to be applied to apply a range of adjectives.
  • Sentence Structures - To investigate a variety of sentence structures and their effect on the reader
  • Imaginative Sentences – To edit sentences and make them imaginative.
  • Using the senses - To create an effect using senses in my writing.
  • Using sound effects - To be able to identify and explain tension.
  • Character descriptions - To explain the effect of the language chosen by the author
  • Pathetic Fallacy - To apply pathetic fallacy
  • Addams Family Punctuation - To create a character through punctuation
  • Varied Sentences – To apply a variety of sentence styles.
  • Introduction to poetry techniques - To analyze poetic techniques used
  • Persuasive Techniques – Speaking and listening skills
  • Persuasive techniques – speaking and listening presentation
  • Genre conventions – To create your own gothic character
  • Similes and Metaphors - To manipulate adventurous vocabulary, similes, and metaphors to describe a haunted house.
  • Understanding criteria - To understand the assessment criteria
  • Planning extended writing - To plan a gothic story
  • Extended Writing Assessment - To create a gothic story
  • Poetry techniques – To analyze the language of a poem.
  • Gothic poetry – To apply poetic techniques to your own poem.
  • Gothic Film Review
  • Gothic homework task grids (this homework works for the entire SOW and pupils complete it at their own pace).

See for more SOW, Learning Worlds, Online Quizzes and Free Resources.

Gothic Writing Skills - 20 Lessons

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