Wolsey Academy Proudly Supports...
After we have paid for the running of the website every penny goes to the organisations below.
Thank you for your support.
Better Teaching, Better Planet.
Planetary Society
Directly funding space science with its solar sail probes and advancing the cause of space around the world. An incredibly exciting organization. We are proud to be a member (and check out their excellent podcasts).
The Ocean Clean Up
Designing new machinery to remove plastics from the oceans and rivers. They have had huge success with their 002 design and are extracting tonnes of plastic each year. Our funding helps them scale up.
While preventing human emissions is vital to our long term survival, removing those already in the atmosphere may also become critically important. Climeworks are building and testing direct air carbon capture technologies. We pay them to directly remove 11kg of carbon a month with their facility in Iceland.
Kiva provides low-interest micro-loans around the world. Wolsey Academy has started two teams, one for the Sahel, and one for Eastern Europe. As of 2021, we had lent over $4000 to businesses around the world.
Kyiv Independent
Following Putin's invasion of Ukraine in Feb 2022, Wolsey Academy became a Patreon of the Kyiv Independent. They have a long pre-war history of providing balanced journalism and provide an important perspective on the war. A free press is vital to a nation's liberty and stands for everything Putin hopes to crush.
Suffolk Refugee Support​
This organization provides excellent care, advice, and support to refugees in Wolsey's home county of Suffolk. Ensuring new arrivals are welcomed and supported in integrating and finding their own role in society is an important step in building a cohesive community.
Ipswich Sea Cadets
The Ipswich Sea Cadets are a youth organization that provides life skills, friends, and confidence to young people in the town. Groups like these are the glue that holds together our community - a rich source of that all-important social capital.
The Ipswich Cardinals
US airmen serving in Suffolk during the Cold War introduced the game of American Football to the locals. That legacy is still going strong with this excellent local sports team. Giving youngsters a great pastime and reason to train hard. Go 'Cards. We are a match day programme advertiser.
Tree Aid
It is with the utmost pride that Wolsey Academy was, for three years, part of a carbon offset scheme that saw us plant 193 trees in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya and pay for the removal of 193 tonnes of carbon through accredited schemes.
However, after reading Tim Marshall's excellent books which highlight the importance of the Sahel, we decided to switch our payments to Tree Aid. Building up the 'Great Green Wall' initiative is vital to the future of this region, the continent and the wider world's climate. We support the Sahel through this fund and our Kiva donations.
The New European
The New European was formed in the direct aftermath of the (disastrous) Brexit vote in 2016. It aims to give a voice to the pro-European 48% in the UK while building a pan-European community of readers. Its motto is 'Think Without Borders'. It excels in long articles that allow for deeper analysis of the week's news and has many important guest contributors. We are a shareholder of this newspaper following its 2022 CrowdCube funding round.