The Mongols
A lesson on the rise of the Mongol Empire. Involves a video, completing fact files on the Khans, a factor sort, a diamond 9 priority task, a modeled and supported writing task, an independent research task, and a quiz.
The Silk Roads
A lesson on the significance of the Silk Roads. It features a video, a timeline sort, a source-based investigation, a modeled and supported writing task, and a quiz.
The Timurid Empire
A lesson on the growth of the Timurid Empire. It features a video, a guided reading task, a fact file on Timur, a modeled and supported writing task, and a quiz.
The Ottoman Empire
A lesson looking at why the Ottomans were so successful. It includes numerous writing activities based on The Writing Revolution. It also includes a quiz and flash cards.
The Mughal Empire
A lesson on the Mughal Empire. It features a timeline task, a map relay, a video fact file task, a writing task, and a quiz.